Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A plea to help Wolfie

UPDATE: Thank you so much to everyone who donated. Wolfie now has his bike!

I'm stepping out of my normal postings with this. As many of you know, I'm a member of an online community called NAMEREDACTED.  On there, I've met many wonderful parents of special needs children. Earlier this month, one of them was trying to win a contest for her son. All anyone had to do was click 'like' on a Facebook page, then click "vote" next to her son's entry. There are over 14,000 members on NAMEREDACTED, yet Wolfie only got slightly over 300 votes. Ya'll, this infuriated me. People are always commenting, liking, etc when they think they can get something for free, but they wouldn't help a SN kid get a grant for an adaptive bike? Well, this is where I come in.

I want you all to meet Chris aka Wolfie. Chris is a 16 year old young man with many special needs. He has microcephaly (by history) with Dandy Walker variant, Eosinophillic Esophogitis, mod MR, autism, a disorder of the hypothalamus, mild cerebal palsy, severe ADHD, multiple severe food allergies, and more. He's also First Class Scout in Boy Scouts and was recently elected Patrol Leader. He has won several gold medals in the Special Olympics and has played Challenger Baseball for many years. He is also very active in the Best Buddies program at school.

Now, the reason for my post. Wolfie desperately needs an adaptive bike. The following is from his mom, Cindy:

"Chris has eagerly wanted a recumbent trike ever since his Scout Troop visited a shop that sold them about four years ago. He has poor balance and the two sides of his body do not coordinate well together because of a malformation in his brain, so a traditional two-wheeler has been out of the question. When he sat on that three wheeled trike that day, the grins were evident to all!

In the following year, his PE teacher got a grant to buy one bike like this for school. Chris started right away, learning how to ride it. He has gradually worked his way up to being able to ride more than a mile on flat surfaces now, increasing his confidence and his pride in himself. Over the past year, his awareness of the need to be physically fit and healthy has greatly increased. Through diet and exercise, Chris has been able to slim down by 26 pounds and is still working hard.

He would love to have an adapted bike of his own, so he can continue to ride in the summer on bike trails with his brother, on bike hikes with his scout troop, and to help keep up his new healthy lifestyle.

Without this bike, he won't be able to take Cycling Merit Badge, which is required for him to reach Eagle Scout. He's currently finishing up Star rank, and moving forward quickly on Life rank, the last one before Eagle.

He is motivated, he needs this adaptive equipment for several excellent reasons, and his family cannot afford to get him one. Please help Wolfie's dreams come true ... of making Eagle Scout, keeping healthy, losing weight, and owning a bike that lets him ride like an ordinary kid ... just like any one of his friends or peers. Thanks!

Besides, you'll be sparing his poor mama the trauma of being hounded 24/7/365 about all things related to bikes, recumbents, trikes, places to buy them, cost of shipping, prices of bikes, features, and much more!"

So, will you help me help Wolfie? A fund has been set up to raise funds to get Wolfie a bike. I've started it off by donating $50. Will you donate? Even a dollar will help us reach our goal of getting him a bike by his birthday. If you can't/won't donate, will you share this post? Link to the fund is in the widget below, or you can donate here: An Adapted Bike for Wolfie  You can also learn more about this awesome family at: Wolfpack3Rus

UPDATED: You can also support this fundraiser by buying Scentsy! A wonderful friend of mine has organized a Scentsy party for this fundraiser and will be donating her commission to the fund! Order through this link: Scentsy fundraiser for Wolfie


Cindy May 30, 2012 at 9:32 AM  

Thank you to all, and especially Jennifer, for helping Wolfie!