Friday, February 10, 2012

Asking a favor

As most of my readers know, Alvin was diagnosed with NF1 a little over a year ago. Today in one of my NF support sites, a mother was sharing her heartbreaking story.

"My son Dawson is 12 years old and was diagnosed with NF1 at birth. They knew what to look for considering I have it myself. He has struggled with it since, as all of our kids have. But recently on Dec 1st 2011 he was diagnosed with a level 4 Glioblastma Multiforme (GBM), which is a level 4 brain cancer and is said to be the worst brain cancer with the worst prognosis. (5 years max) He has since had 4 brain surgeries, and is currently undergoing chemotherapy and radiation. He has been out of school since Oct, and has not had many visitors outside of family, since we are new to the area. He is getting quite depressed as he sees other kids here at the Ronald McDonald Home getting packages and letters, and cards on a daily basis and has yet to recieve one here. I think it would be cool for him to get cards from all over, in hopes that it would brighten his little spirits."

Please, can you all take a minute and a dollar or two and send this brave young boy a card? 
Please, let me know if this is something you're willing to do. I will pass it on to his mom. Thanks in advance.