Monday, November 8, 2010

Soccer Awards Banquet

Tonight was Emali's soccer banquet. It was a good time. All the kids on the team got medals. Emali got a trophy for "Sportsmanship". This was given to her because the girl quite literally got her rear handed to her frequently. Soccer balls to the face and chest; elbowed, stepped on. In one of her last games, one of the kids from the opposing team grabbed her jersey and slammed her into the ground, then kicked and stepped on her. She never complained. She always took it in stride and strived to play on. That's why the coach gave her the sportsmanship award.

Coach Phil talking about Em's role on the team

Accepting her sportsmanship trophy from Coach Nate

Em and her team

Em with her medal and trophy.



AndreaLeigh November 10, 2010 at 3:59 PM  

how sweet! i know you are so proud. good job raising such a sweet girl, mama!