Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
The new house
I figured I would share pics of the new house.
New House Slideshow
Posted by Jenn Rice at 1:31 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
He is crawling!!
That's right! He started to crawl. Woo hoo. Please watch the video to see for yourself. Just forgive my dirty house and half naked daughters.
Posted by Jenn Rice at 8:51 PM 1 comments
Monday, January 26, 2009
Feels good...
to get it off my shoulders.
Yes, yes, it does. I finally swallowed my pride and gathered the courage to call my sister-in-law. She didnt answer, but she did call back! We talked for a couple of hours about everything that had gone on, everything that was planned to go on. Well, about everything really. I feel so much better now that we talked. So, Karen, if you read this. "I love you! Thanks for taking a couple of hours out of your time to talk to me."
Now, onto something that is bugging me. I have been getting regular emails from Eric. But, apparently, he isnt getting any from me. I send 1-2 a day so I can only assume that 1) they are sending, not receiving, or 2) they are withholding my emails for some reason. I am going to assume its 1, because 2 is just wrong in so many ways. Is this normal? For them to send but not receive? I just feel so bad because the last one I got was him begging me to email him. *sigh* Made me cry, oh yes it did. Hopefully, they are just not receiving and when they do, he will get spammed. But seriously, is that normal? Cause yeah, I have no clue.
Posted by Jenn Rice at 9:58 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
A Ode to Ohio
Posted by Jenn Rice at 5:08 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Where did the time go?
So, it has officially been two years since DH and I went on our first date. So, let's take a trip in the time machine, shall we?
January 20, 2007- I am supposed to meet Eric at the gas station near my house so that we can go out. We hadnt seen each other since we graduated high school 9 years prior. So, all I know is that he is supposed to be picking me up in a big black truck. I see a little Ford Ranger come down the hill and start to panic. Is that really what he considers a big black truck? Ugh. But, the little Ranger passes the gas station on by. (We were meeting at the gas station cause it was too hard to explain how to find my driveway). Then I see this big huge Dodge Ram coming down the hill. (btw, the truck was a big deal cause my dream vehicle is a Dodge Ram 3500 dualie). I see it pull in the gas station and I walk out to it. Eric gets out and comes and opens my door for me. Heart flutter right there. Let me tell you.
So, we drive up to Olive Garden rambling on the whole way. (This was a good 30+ min drive). We get to Olive Garden and of course, there is a wait. So, we stand in line and ramble on more. What I did since high school, what he has done, etc. He sees his cousin and introduces me. We all chat for a while. Then Eric leans in and kiss me on the cheek. He tells me that he has been wanting to do that ever since we were in high school together. He just never had the guts to ask me out then. *melt* So, we get seated and order our food and talk about old times, and his career in the Navy, my kids, all that fun stuff.
The meal ends, but, its only 7 o'clock, so we head over to the recruiting station so he can show me all of his travel pictures. We sat in the recruiting office looking at pictures for probably two hours. Then decide, well, I have the babysitter for the full night, might as well watch a movie. We couldnt find anything we like at the theatre, so we went to Eric's and watched a movie there. I got to meet his roommates at the time. (Who I went to school with too.)
We have been together ever since. I know, its not an earth shattering first date. But, for two people that knew each other as long as we have, it was a big step. I fell in love with him that night, and I will love him until the day I die.
So, here is to two wonderful years together, Eric. I love you more than I ever knew I could. I miss you so much it hurts, but I know you are thinking of me out there under the ocean. I was writing this, I got an email. You dont get it all. But, here is part of it:
" well you made two years with [me] by the time you get this. i wish i could take you to Olive garden and so you of my old pictures and the go watch a movie at my place! i can't believe it has been two years all ready it went by so fast, but so much stuff has happened to us and between us. i just can't believe it. it has been the happiest two years of my life. Can't wait for tons more!! i love you so much.
Posted by Jenn Rice at 8:55 PM 2 comments
Sunday, January 18, 2009
One of those days
Yes, this is going to be a beatdown, depressing post. So, feel free to turn back now.
Today is one of those days. I hate my life, I hate the Navy, I hate that I am the one that has to deal with everything. I sit here and look at my children and ask myself, "Why in the hell did I think it was going to be ok to raise these kids without a father?" No, I know they have one. Eric is a wonderful father and a fantastic husband. But, he isnt here. He is an email every couple of days, a picture on the wall, and dirty clothes in the basket. He is a voice on voicemail, a save game file on the Playstation and an empty spot in the bed. Yet, I love him more than I thought possible. I just hate that I have to do this alone. Find a house, sign the lease, pack up this house, move to the new house, sell the Jeep, sell the Kia, transfer Emali's school file, take Alvin to Yale, take Alvin to Cranial Tech, take Alvin to other random appointments, try to find SOME time to spend with Erin. Housetrain the dog, take the cats to get spayed, call housing to argue that we are eligible for a move, etc etc etc.
I know I can do it. Its not that. I want Eric to be a part of it. I want him to be here. I want a husband, not a part time husband. So, today, I sit here and wallow. Yes, its a funk. It will pass as fast as it has come. But, for right now. I despise the Navy. I despise being away from my family. I want a normal life. Then again, maybe I dont. I dont know. Just right now, I want my husband home.
Posted by Jenn Rice at 12:54 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 17, 2009
We have a house!

Its the townhouse right there in the middle. Thank Karen(SWC) for taking the picture for me.
Posted by Jenn Rice at 11:40 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I can breathe, finally!
I had just left Chuck E. Cheese with the kids. I was getting everyone in the van and trying not to flip out, when I felt my phone vibrate. My inital thought was, "Who the f^*k is calling me?" Then, it rang. (I have my phone set to vibrate for 2 rings, then 2 for 2 rings). Holy crap. It was Eric's ring tone. After staring at the screen in disbelief, I answered and heard "Hey Baby". I immediately started crying.
Posted by Jenn Rice at 9:40 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Sunday, January 4, 2009
So much to do
Yeah, too much to do. In these next two months, as of right now, I am looking at 5 visits to Cranial Technologies, a visit to the GI doctor, a sweat test at Yale, finding housing, packing up this house, moving to said new housing, my birthday, Alvin's birthday, and hosts of other things. Oh, did I mention I get to do this all alone? Yeah. Loving the Navy right now. *eye roll*. I know Eric isnt going to have a much better time. He is staring down both ORSE and the coner's version of it. (I forget what it's called). Add in he is taking chief examination at the same time, and yeah. Woo hoo! We are both rather snippy with each other.
Oh well....Its my life.
Posted by Jenn Rice at 4:39 PM 1 comments